Once you're out of school, it's easy to stop learning. This is our pep talk, from us to you.
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Why do we ever stop? 🚦

Learning is part of every child's life. Whether it's at home or in the classroom, kids are constantly absorbing information, processing new thoughts, and coming up with new ideas. And because we associate the classroom with "official" learning we often forget to keep learning once we leave the classroom.

But why do we stop learning? It can't be because at 16 years old, or 26 years old—whenever you were last in the classroom— that we all said, "ok, I know everything I need to know now". 

No. It's because learning is hard. Yep, you heard that right. That thing you used to do as a kid? Guess what? It's not easy as an adult.

To learn something new, you have to be vulnerable. You have to admit to yourself (and possibly others) that you don't know how to do something and you need to learn how. You have to put in the time. Did you know it takes roughly 10,000 hours to "master" a skill? And if you're not discouraged by that, you have to have to believe in yourself and say, "This is going to be hard, but I think I can do it."

That's why this month's newsletter is going to be a bit of a pep talk—from us to you. Because vulnerability is a strength, there are so many ways of carving our time, and we know you can do it.

The all-powerful growth mindset 🏆

Here are Re:Coded, we're always talking about a growth mindset. But what does a growth mindset actually mean?

Let's keep it simple: "A growth mindset is an approach to life in which an individual believes that their talents, intelligence, and abilities can be developed further. People with a growth mindset seek opportunities to learn, gain new skills, and enhance their existing skills."

Above experience and qualifications, we believe that a growth mindset acts as a superpower in our students. People who continue to learn, continue to grow.

Let's hear what our Admissions Team look for in applications when it comes to finding potential students with a growth mindset. 👇

Build the way you want

A "can-do" attitude

For Maria, our Head of Admissions, she's looking for a few things:

  • Mentions of achievements and things they've learned in their application essay. 

  • Their score on the "mindset test" (yes, we have one!)
  • Responses to motivation questions in the interview that highlight their search for new knowledge and opportunities.

Getting the most out of it

For Mehmed, our Admissions Officer, he's looking for a growth mindset in every interview he conducts. Specifically:

  • Interviewees share their weak points. This means that they acknowledge there's room for growth.

  • Interviewees can actively reflect on their learning journey up until their bootcamp application. They can share what they actively did to get there.

Did that get you fired up?🔥 Here are a few things to help you unleash your growth mindset.

  • ✅ A straight-forward how-to | If you're new to the concept, this thoughtful and well-structured how-to is a good place to start. You'll get a few definitions and a solid to-do list of items to get you started.

  • 🎥 A talk from the "originator" of growth mindsets | Professor Carol Dweck shares her thoughts on what it means to develop a growth mindset— hint: it may not be as hard as you think.

  • 🧰 Mindset toolbox | These are a bunch of free lesson plans (you can follow them on your own!) about learning how to learn. Yes, it sounds very meta, but that's the point. If you're always learning, you need to know how to do it right.

  • 🏅Growth mindset activities | While these are for teachers, you can go through some of these free resources to see what kind of activities might be appropriate to take on to start flexing your growth mindset muscles.

Growing with you: the Open Study Hub 🌱

If you've been on the Re:Coded website recently, you may have noticed our new look. Just like our students, we too are constantly growing and evolving—and we felt it was time our website reflected that.

Besides the updated visuals and sleeker look, we're starting something new to support you in your learning adventure: the Open Study Hub.✨

Whether you're just starting or looking to get ahead in the digital economy, there are tons of resources here (and more to come!) to power your journey.

Go to the Open Study Hub

Jobs from the world beyond 🌍

As usual, the Careers Team have been on the hunt for the hottest jobs around, just for you. Are you ready to put that growth mindset to work and try something new? 

Additionally our friends over at Audteye are doing some hiring for the following positions:

Feel free to reach out to our Alumni Success Coordinator, Rawan, if either of these positions fits you or someone you might know.

Upskilling for the future 🔮

We hear a lot from our student community that one of the hardest things about learning something new is figuring out where to get started. For some of you, that could mean figuring out where to focus and what skills to invest in. So what are the skills needed for the future?

With some (and growing) uncertainty in the labor market, the British education giant, Pearson, launched the Future of Skills website with research and an interactive landscape on the state of skills by 2030. The research is focused on the US and UK only, but can give you an idea about where your skills will be in the future.

Main insights? 

  • 💡 Only one in five workers are in occupations that will shrink, a figure much lower than recent studies of automation have suggested.

  • 💡 Only one in ten workers are in occupations that are likely to grow.

  • 💡 Seven in ten workers are in jobs where there is greater uncertainty about the future, but these workers can be re-skilled for the future.

  • 💡 There will be more demand for higher-order cognitive skills such as complex problem solving, originality, fluency of ideas, and active learning.

See where you'll be in 10 years

Upcoming courses and bootcamps 🤓

It seems to be that time of year when everything is coming together at the same time. And luckily for you, that means bootcamps and courses galore! 🤩 We're accepting eligible applications (check the criteria!) for three learning opportunities.

Check them out!👇

Frontend Bootcamp
Algeria 🇩🇿

Become a certified frontend developer in 20-weeks.

Immersive, remote bootcamp experience.

⚠️ Applications close ⚠️
Tuesday, May 30

Check it out

Intro to UX/UI course
Iraq 🇮🇶

Test out a career in UX/UI and learn the basics in 3-weeks.

Self-led, self-paced online course.

⚠️ Applications close ⚠️
 Wednesday, May 17

Check it out

Intro to HTML & CSS course
Iraq 🇮🇶

Get a taste of coding with the absolute basics in 3-weeks.

Self-led, self-paced online course.

⚠️ Applications close ⚠️
 Wednesday, May 17

Check it out

The first step in developing a growth mindset is understanding its something you can 100% learn. Once you open up that possibility, you'll find that so many opportunities to further develop your skills and, well, yourself as a person, open up.

We know you can do it. So go on, get out there. Learn like a kid. Embrace the potential of not knowing everything and see where the world takes you when you want to know a little more.

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