First impressions can make or break, but your lasting impression will propel you ahead.
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What's your lasting impression? 👀

Research suggests that the average person takes 7 seconds to form their first impression of you. And if you thought that's shocking, further research proposes that most people form a somewhat accurate impression of you in one tenth of a second (yes, you read that right).

There's lots of advice out there on establishing a good first impression to own those first seconds of any interaction— whether you are applying to a job, rocking up to a networking event, or coming in for your first day at work. And we'll be sharing some of that here.

But more importantly, we want to talk about your lasting impression. Because we all know that of course first impressions matter, but it's the follow through and confirming interactions that help those around you decide what you're all about after that first smile.

So let's get into it in this edition of News:LTR

Hacking the first impression ✅

There are so many things that we simply cannot control about a first impression, like whether your internet connection is working, your natural appearance, or the mood of the person on the other side of the meeting. But there are a few things you can control and that science says makes a difference.

  1. Look sharp: What you wear matters. It'll help if your attire matches the situation and/or person. For example, before interviewing at a new company you may want to ask about the dress code so that you can match it.

  2. Pay attention to your posture: Your posture says a lot about your confidence. Make sure to sit up straight.

  3. Use your hands wisely: When it comes to handshakes, make sure they're firm, 2-3 seconds, and dry. Using your hands when speaking is also encouraged though keep them below the collarbone and above the navel.

  4. Make eye contact: People who make eye contact appear more honest and memorable. Take natural breaks to look away, but maintaining some eye contact on first meeting is important.

Ultimately, these are all small "hacks" or psychological shortcuts towards implying trustworthiness. But you'll also have to continue to prove yourself as trustworthy with every following interaction.

"Our first impressions are generated by our experiences and our environment, which means that we can change our first impressions... by changing the experiences that comprise those impressions."

-Malcom Gladwell

Resources to create a great impression 🌳

Want to nail your first impressions and lasting impression? Here are some resources that will point you in the right direction Check it out. 👇

  • Still wondering what the science is behind first impressions? Here's our suggestion for a quick read on what you can do to translate first impressions to an online impression.

  • No edition of News:LTR would be complete without a TEDtalk for you. This one is about why first impressions last and why even when we jump to conclusions, we're still good people.

  • People remember stories. So if you're interested in becoming memorable, storytelling is a great tactic to employ in any interview. Here's a helpful guide to get you started.

  • Creating a good first impression will only get you so far. Follow up is required! Here are some tips on how to be a stellar employee once you nail that first impression.

Quiz time ⚡️

Last month we asked you all about your CVs, and turns out, a lot of you are thinking about this a lot!

Over 50% of you updated your CV in the last month, closely followed by the last six months! Keeping your CV up to date is important if you're even considering a new job— you never know when the right one will come along and you'll need to fire it off.

Let's get into this month's quiz. 👇

Catch up on last month's community session 📺

If you missed the ChatGPT session we held last month, don't worry, it's all recorded just for you. Tune in to Youssef's insights on using ChatGPT to level up your CV.

Watch it now

Are you ready to mentor? 🤓

Join Re:Coded's mentorship program and empower aspiring developers and UX/UI designers in the MENA region and Türkiye.

As a mentor, you will do two sessions for each mentee, taking them through a mock interview and guiding them in their job strategy.

Sign up now for an amazing change to make a difference in their lives and contribute to creating a more diverse tech workforce.

Become a mentor

New in the Open Study Hub 🆕

Our Open Study Hub is up and running at full steam. Ready to take your career to the next level? Bookmark the Open Study Hub to access videos, articles, and downloads that will help you get ahead in your tech career.

In the meantime, here are some pieces you may have missed. 👇

🚨Applications open🚨
Frontend Bootcamp | Jordan 🇯🇴

Apply now!

Jobs from the world beyond 🌍

Our Careers Team has a great line up this month just for you. Start putting your first impressions to the test with these hot new jobs!🔥 Check out them out. 👇

We know you can wow them! 💪

As we wrap up this newsletter, let's take a moment to remember that first impressions can truly make or break your journey in the ever-evolving tech world. We all know that making a great first impression is essential, but here's the secret sauce to leveling it up and establishing a lasting impression.

Picture this: You walk into a room filled with brilliant minds, opportunities, and endless potential. The buzz of innovation is palpable. How can you stand out in this sea of talent?

It starts with confidence. Believe in your abilities, showcase your unique strengths, and embrace your quirks. Remember, you are a vibrant professional and your contributions matter.

But it's not just about dazzling others with your skills. It's about making genuine connections. Take the time to listen and understand, ask thoughtful questions, and show a genuine interest in people's stories. Cultivate empathy, because it's the cornerstone of building strong professional relationships. And remember, every interaction, whether big or small, is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression.

Your first impression might open doors, but your lasting impression will be a testament to your passion, dedication, and ability to make a difference. Be yourself, be authentic, and make your mark on this incredible industry.

See you in the next edition of News:LTR.

The Re:Coded Team

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